ArtHouse Jersey awards grants for an exciting range of projects in final funding round of 2022


We are delighted to announce the latest round of successful artists who applied to our quarterly funding initiative, which offers financial assistance to support the creation of new work or for the development of an artist’s creative process. Among those in this latest round of successful applications is an immersive sound art installation project, theatrical solo tour and musical residency.

In 2022 the funding committee has awarded grants to sixteen applicants for a variety of interesting projects. ArtHouse Jersey has invested in local creatives working in the disciplines of visual arts, drama, film, music, technical art and more. The next deadline for applications is 1 February 2023. Those interested in applying should read the guidelines and complete an application form.


Jonny Danciger: ‘Johnny Got His Gun’. Immersive Sound Art Installation

Jonny Danciger is an interdisciplinary theatre-maker, partially based in London. Sensory experience and technological innovation are crucial to his productions which always feature intense visual and aural components. Danciger applied for funding for the research and development phase of a new project which will involve creating an immersive sound art installation.

"Thanks to the support of ArtHouse Jersey, a project that I've been dreaming of for years can finally take shape. To be afforded the time and space to develop my work with new technologies is a potentially career-changing opportunity. I can't wait to share this immersive installation - and the unusual techniques behind it - with the people of Jersey."

Rachel Ara: Cinema 4D Learning and Experimentation

Rachel Ara is a conceptual artist who has been awarded funding to develop her skills in Cinema 4D software for creating new film-based work. Ara hopes to teach others about the software by giving a talk about her making process and will be utilising the software to support future projects such as sculptural maquettes.

“This grant will allow me to rent industry-standard software to further my practice in 3D visualisations and animation. This will allow me time to get up to speed with the software which I’ll be using to create new film work and proposals for large-scale installations.”

Charles Troy: Jersey Micro Museum prototypes

Charles Troy is looking to develop a ‘Jersey Micro Museum’ initiative to increase public engagement with arts, culture and local heritage. His idea is to place carefully curated micro museums within the community to pique curiosity with bite-sized content and reach a broad audience. Troy has been awarded funding to create prototypes in order to gain feedback during the development stage of this project.

“The exhibition I recently curated, "Made in Jersey, Found in Jersey", was extremely well received by those who visited. However, low footfall evidenced the fact that in order to engage the wider community with the worlds of art and culture, worlds which can bring with them huge enjoyment and benefits for mental wellness, some exhibitions must leave the traditional gallery and museum space and be positioned within the community itself in areas of high footfall. The grant from ArtHouse Jersey will enable me to build a prototype and curate the first exhibition, thereby moving the concept of the micro museum towards becoming a reality.”

Adam Perchard: Solo tour, Bathtime for Britain

Adam Perchard is a writer and performer who makes multidisciplinary work that flits between cabaret, comedy, theatre, opera, and performance art to think about queerness, gender identity, and history. This grant will go towards touring Perchard’s solo work ‘Bathtime for Britain’

“This support from ArtHouse Jersey comes at a key point in my career, helping me raise my profile as a solo performer as I tour my show BATHTIME FOR BRITAIN (developed with Jersey Arts Centre) around major theatres across the UK. At a time when hate crimes are on the rise, amplifying queer, non-binary voices like mine has never been more important. I am deeply grateful to ArtHouse for helping me to share my big, wild, glittering, joyful vision with the world.”

Aras Amiri: Sound Channels Residency

Aras Amiri is an art producer and writer who previously worked as Arts Manager at the British Council. On behalf of the Moving Arts Collective she has been awarded funding for a ‘Sound Channels Residency’. This will involve bringing together five musicians in Jersey to collaborate, create and undertake public performances. The aim of this project is to celebrate the power of music as an international language to enrich the social life and liveliness of Jersey by facilitating collaborations and exchanges between Jersey and international musicians.

“The funding from ArtHouse Jersey will enable musicians from diverse musical and cultural backgrounds to share and create new music that emerges from the landscape and their musical conversation. Moving Arts Collective is very grateful to ArtHouse Jersey for giving voice to diversity and supporting artistic exchanges, especially as their support involves both the process of making as well as public performances and a series of outreach events across the Island.”

Adam Montgomery: Album mastering

Adam Montgomery applied on behalf of The Pirates, a local band which offers a unique combination of reggae, ska, rock and gypsy punk all rolled into one. They have received a grant for the final mixes of their latest Album. ‘

“We are so grateful to ArtHouse Jersey for their financial support. Without their support, we would have had to either wait to complete ten months of local gigs, or negotiate the quality of the final mastering stages in our forthcoming album from the Pirates, ‘Take me to the Nasties!’ . From first contact with ArtHouse Jersey, we were offered real-time support and guidance when producing and completing our application, and their advice encouraged us to truly consider the reasoning behind our work. This deepened the meaning and significance of the effort we committed ourselves to, and has led the project towards the completion of an exciting album launch in early 2023.”

Martyn Cast: Educational songbook for children

Martyn Cast runs a music school in St.Helier called Jenca. He has received funding towards the creation of an educational songbook for children aged between 6 and 11 years old.

“The book will be for children learning to play the guitar, piano or sing. The book will have fully coloured illustrations with vocals and guitar parts with backing tracks added as audio downloads. Children can have lots of fun learning how to play and sing along with each song.”


Dissent Module


The Jèrriais Song Project